Eat The Pudding

For those of you that follow our behind the scene life at Slash on Instagram you’ll know that we love snacks.

From fresh dried fruits to meltingly moist cakes to everything in between, we’re truly a team of professional office nibblers. So, when we discoveredThe Pudding, our brains lit up and we immediately thought: ‘oh, a snack!’

But we were wrong (sort of).

We love The Pudding because it’s sort of a digital snack, fueling our minds (instead of our bellies) with cool, bite sized articles explaining ideas debated in culture.

Instead of focusing on ‘too long; didn’t read,’ 10,000 word essays, The Pudding harnesses the power of visual and interactive storytelling. They use more imagery than words to make easy-to-read stories and ideas.

As a team of designers, writers, creatives and ‘doers’ we do things at our own pace, putting out into the world what we think is cool. And just like The Pudding, we don’t care about chasing current trends or clickbait. Instead we focus on creating the most impact by finding the simplest way to get a message across for all to understand.

Why is The Pudding one of our favorite websites, you ask? Because it has:

  1. Easy-to-read, interactive articles

  2. really cool infographics; and

  3. not only did they design the website very well, but they also make subjects that would not be very interesting…interesting.

So, if you’re looking for stories you didn’t know you needed then take a digital bite of The Pudding.

Happy reading. . . (and maybe eating)!


Slash Field Trip: The Vitra


The Abu Dhabi Sessions